Complexity: a philosophical and multidisciplinary perspective on smart cities
Smart Cities, Complex Thought, Philosophical Thought, Complexity Pioneers, Complexity TheoriesAbstract
The conception of complexity is an inherent variable in smart cities, which is why the difference must be established between the different predecessors of Western and Eastern culture, and how thinkers who could be considered pioneers of complexity contribute to such theories, deployed through the weather. In this sense, the article considers a literary review around the theories of various cultures and the philosophical and current periods that, from their intentionality, express a type of context against the conception of smart cities; conceptions of new knowledge that somehow surpass, in various aspects and forms, the way of seeing reality, and are aimed at identifying chance, uncertainty or future. For this, a methodology was proposed that was executed in 5 phases (referencing, evaluation, methodological proposal, formulation and validation), identifying theories, in the referencing phase, such as chaos theory, algorithmic information theory, theory simplicity and general systems theory; All of them contributed to understanding the various present and possible dynamics of smart cities, while favoring the understanding of the social problems and challenges that these urban territories must face.
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