The teaching motivation to obtain educational quality in higher education institutions




Quality in education, University teacher, Educational strategy, Educational institutions, Motivation


The education professional has a great social commitment, training their students to face the life project; From this perspective, the teacher of higher education institutions (IES) must maintain a high degree of motivation, understood as that force that makes them move and arises from the need to achieve better standards, essential in higher education instructors to have high quality in the training process and participate adequately in the professional future. The objective developed is to analyze which categories or variables motivate IES teachers to obtain quality in education. The bibliographic search allowed to build a system of fourteen categories. It is a descriptive research with a qualitative method, using a methodology with the Delphi technique, where ten experts with training in university teaching, analyzed a categorical system through two rounds, they concluded that the categories to be evaluated were: extrinsic and intrinsic factors, transform knowledge, quality in education, permanent training, and teaching as a generator of social status. All were analyzed through a hermeneutic for each category, reaching the conclusion that extrinsic factors, followed by intrinsic factors, were the most decisive in motivating teachers in IES.


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How to Cite

Franco López, J. A. (2021). The teaching motivation to obtain educational quality in higher education institutions. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (64), 151–179.



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