Strategies to enrich cognitive skills of children with outstanding intelligence




Creativity, Cognitive abilities, Intelligence


According to recent research, enrichment programs can be a pedagogical alternative that stimulates the cognitive skills of students with special educational needs. Based on these ideas, the objective was to design and implement the Meccano enrichment program to stimulate the cognitive skills of children with outstanding intelligence. This is a mixed research, with a Pre test-Post test design where six children with outstanding intelligence participated, who obtained scores equal to or greater than the 75th percentile in at least three of the following variables: creativity, perceptual reasoning, commitment to homework, academic self-concept and teacher nomination. The students' profile was complemented with the WISC IV test and based on the information, the Meccano Enrichment Program was designed based on the proposals of Duarte and Feuerstein. After the quantitative and qualitative analysis in the Post test, significant increases were observed in the variables of creativity and intelligence, so it is recommended to continue with the project to strengthen superior skills and ensure that children have optimal development in different areas of their life.


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How to Cite

González Arreola, M. R., & Chávez Soto, B. I. (2021). Strategies to enrich cognitive skills of children with outstanding intelligence. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (64), 65–91.



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