Perinatal death: multiple losses and grief processes. The experience of mothers and fathers in the city of Medellín
Mourning, Disenfranchised grief, Perinatal death, LossAbstract
The objective of this research was to understand the experience of perinatal grief in mothers and fathers who have suffered the perinatal death of one child. The method was qualitative, with a phenomenological-hermeneutic approach; a multiple case study was carried out with the participation of nine mothers and two fathers from the city of Medellin, who reconstructed their experience in semi-structured interviews. The results show that perinatal death causes multiple losses that mobilize mourning processes for the expected child, for the idea of a future with him/her, for the projected maternal and paternal identity. Two processes mediated in the grief work: the construction of meanings about the loss and the work of relocating the bond through significant objects and symbolic strategies of reconnection. Social and medical responses influenced the elaboration; particularly, it was found that minimization and invalidation of the loss had negative effects for the bereaved. Perinatal mourning is a complex process mobilized by the loss of the child and of other tangible and intangible elements that are lost with it; the process does not lead to disengagement, but to the affective relocation of the child that keeps it alive in the memory.
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