Psycholinguistic analysis of emotional words and grammatical categories in narratives in the times of Covid-19




Narrative frames, Open class words, Emotion words, Pshycholinguistic


The Covid-19 pandemic is having an impact on societies and economies around the world. The study of the psycholinguistic structures that underlie the narratives related to the pandemic allows us to analyze and understand the perception of Colombians in the frame of Covid. The main objective of the present work is to analyze the association between grammatical categories and emotions. For this, the data was carried out through a questionnaire built from the technique of narrative frameworks. This technique consists of providing the participant with a series of clauses that guide him on the subject in question. The questionnaire was carried out through the internet. Once the information was obtained, it was organized in a database using the linguistic and cognitive perspective. The data were contrasted using X2 analysis. The main results show that there is an association between emotions (positive and negative) and grammatical structures. Nouns are associated with negative emotions, while adjectives and verbs with positive ones. It is concluded that in production there is a bias towards positive information in adjectives and verbs; similar to perception. Furthermore, this conclusion maximizes its value because the data analyzed in the present study were collected on the basis of Covid-19.


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How to Cite

Muñetón-Ayala, M. A., & Vásquez Arango, C. F. (2024). Psycholinguistic analysis of emotional words and grammatical categories in narratives in the times of Covid-19. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (72), 128–159.



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