University at home: Sociospatial reconfigurations from the pandemic experience




Place attachment, Covid–19, Place disruption, Environmental psychology, Socio-spatial bond


The metrics that people usually use to locate each other and produce with others the places we dwell, have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article aims to return to some conceptualizations of environmental social psychology to reflect on the socio-spatial movement University – Home – University imposed by confinement measures during the pandemic; to advance in this aim the authors propose a narrative review of the literature. The results allow to identify that the transformation of the bond with places during and after the recent pandemic implies a disruption of the attachment to significant places that supported daily lives and the ways in which these have had to be reconfigured under the new regulations of the socio-spatial during and after the declaration of end of the pandemic. By approaching the analysis of the literature produced on the reading of the socio-spatial, in the case of the Covid-19 pandemic, the authors open the conceptual discussion on the relationships people - places to propose new routes of research and theorization in the psychology of the place.


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How to Cite

Molina-Jaramillo, A. N., Muñoz-Duque, L. A., & Ortiz, N. E. (2024). University at home: Sociospatial reconfigurations from the pandemic experience. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (72), 277–305.



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