Blockchain applied in process innovation for the integration of financial technology services




Automation, blockchain, FinTech, Process innovation, service integration


The arrival of different technological developments and the consequent needs of diversification and security in the products of the financial sector has led that financial technology companies (FinTech) being constantly improving their products, in terms of quality, access, security, versatility and efficiency. This research shows the implementation of a process innovation through a methodology of integration of financial technology services, based on blockchain. As a result, it’s possible to enable products with greater security and scalability, revolutionizing the FinTech sector. Through blockchain, digital books are created, and there is greater protection against fraud. Moreover, third parties are removed in transactions and money management is democratized from the integration of transactional solutions, data analytics and automation, leading to a dynamic access to the platform and their services It is concluded that the process innovation, which focuses on the integration of the different services previously mentioned, significantly improves the quality in terms of performance, agility, quality and efficiency for a better user experience, with components of sustainability and social responsibility.


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How to Cite

Arias Torres, J. A., García-Arango, D. A., Echeverri Gutiérrez, C. A., Acosta Agudelo, L. C., & Echeverri Gutiérrez, M. S. (2023). Blockchain applied in process innovation for the integration of financial technology services. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (69), 135–156.



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