Marketing management and corporate reputation in private and public accredited universities: A view from the professor




Administrative management, Educational institutions, Educational marketing, Corporate reputation, Stakeholders, Universities


The objective of this article is to identify how strategies that support educational marketing and corporate reputation from the teacher, in seven accredited universities in Medellín-Colombia. A mixed methodology was used, with in-depth interviews with the marketing directors of the accredited Universities and 231 surveys of internal teachers from the Administration Departments of the same universities, based on the CFA model (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and the Structural Equations Model. It is evident within the results that marketing management has gained importance in the strategic planning of universities and that in this way it has been possible to include some interest groups to generate more trust, satisfaction, and loyalty to build a better corporate reputation within and outside the academic community. It is concluded that most teachers feel satisfied with the functions they perform and that this allows them greater motivation when interacting with the public, however, it is evident that they feel little incorporated with the marketing strategies that are used. develop in universities and this can affect their identity, image, and positioning.


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How to Cite

Gomez-Bayona, L., Orozco-Toro, J. A., Rojas Mora, J. M., & Moreno-López, G. (2022). Marketing management and corporate reputation in private and public accredited universities: A view from the professor. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (67), 106–135.



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