Significant learning in the training of family therapists at the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó




Learning, Meaningful learning, Family therapy training, Family therapy


Being trained as a family therapist leads to think about intervention processes with families, but also with oneself. In this sense, the objective of the study focused on identifying significant learning from the being, doing and knowing of therapists in training, during the training course attached to the specialization in family therapy at the Luis Amigó Catholic University. In tune with these interests, the research is of a qualitative nature, by enabling interpretive contexts of experiences linked to the training process; in this regard, the organization, systematization and analysis of information was mediated by the Content Analysis (CA) method. Methodology, which seeks to transcend the subjective to objectivation processes, through the use of techniques and instruments, such as the in-depth interview. According to the results, student learning is closely linked to being, doing and knowing as meta-learning for life. The study concludes that the process of training family therapists inevitably induces a holistic perspective of personal, family and social reality, which combines significant learning, seen as starting points to confront and evaluate transformation processes, mediated by self-reflexivity and personal and family confrontation, which go beyond formative theories.


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How to Cite

Herrera Rivera, O., & Bedoya Cardona, L. M. (2022). Significant learning in the training of family therapists at the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (67), 249–279.



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