Incidence of internal communication on the institutional identity of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana’s teachers




Internal communication, Organizational culture, Teacher, Organizational philosophy, Institutional identity, Organizational identity, University


The present study is an academic construction that correlates the teachers’ identity perception with the transmission of content from the Directorate of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, with the general objective of identifying the incidence of internal communication on the institutional identity of the teachers at this university in 2019. To establish it, a mixed (qualitative – quantitative) methodology is used. This integrates the techniques of analysis of the communication discourse issued by the University Directorate, semi-structured interviews, and the application of surveys to a stratified probabilistic sample of 515 teachers from all its headquarters in Quito, Cuenca, and Guayaquil. This study showed that the teachers feel identified with the organizational philosophy and culture, which leaded to infer that they certainly assume, actively, the institutional identity, motivated by communication, although a few communication deficits have also been reported. In this sense, the research complemented the quantitative and qualitative studies on identity management and institutional communication in higher education; and in the subject of study, it contributed to the consolidation of the Salesian Education Model, which proposes comprehensive education sustained by the teachers’ actions, within the framework of academic training, research and connection with society.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Peñarreta, K. M., Sánchez Montalván, S. E., & Rodríguez Recalde, J. S. (2021). Incidence of internal communication on the institutional identity of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana’s teachers. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (63), 94–125.



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