The contributions of the literature review to the design of an ICT appropriation route, linked to the technological-pedagogical-disciplinary model




Virtual education, University professors training, Design-based research, TPACK, Appropriation program, ICT


Information and communication technologies (ICT) Training for university professors is one of the challenges to achieve digital transformation. Given this, the research presented here is linked to the design-based research methodology, which proposes as an initial phase a literature review, with the aim of recognizing the advances and the referenced theoretical perspectives, and at the same time, contributing to the design of an educational route. In particular, the literature review was carried out in five phases, following search and inclusion criteria, and using different search equations in databases. On the other hand, content analysis was applied to the tracked documents in the light of categories established a priori. The results showed various instruments that allow characterizing the professor practices, related to ICT; in addition, they enable the approach to the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model, and other trends for digital learning, reported by the literature in national and international contexts. Likewise, structural elements that can be incorporated into the design of a contextualized training route were recognized, the purpose of which will be to contribute to the training of professors in the region to make a transformative and alternative use of ICT in higher education.


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How to Cite

Lopera Pérez, M., Arias, V., Jiménez, M. M., Ospina Pineda, D. P., & Valderrama Muñoz, Ángela M. (2020). The contributions of the literature review to the design of an ICT appropriation route, linked to the technological-pedagogical-disciplinary model. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (62), 276–307.



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