Advantages of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) at international level and teaching opportunities in logistics and international business programs




Experimental Learning, International supply chain, Consulting, Teaching, Logistic, International Business, Authorized Economic Operator


The implementation of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) has facilitated access to foreign markets and contributed to the productivity of the supply international chain, but in Colombia only 41 of 10,853 exporting companies are authorized to work as an AEO, which shows the low level of implementation in the country and an opportunity for professionals in international business and logistics to participate as support in the development of these programs. The article aimed to analyze the characteristics of the AEO for exporting companies in Colombia and the opportunities that could be generated by teaching in the aforementioned undergraduate programs. In the same way, an academic implementation proposal is required that allows students of said undergraduate courses to carry out consulting activities in order to strengthen their academic and practical skills from contact with the real business context and the needs of international supply chains.


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How to Cite

Palacio Jiménez, D., Gómez Montoya, R. A., & Montoya Bernal, E. (2020). Advantages of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) at international level and teaching opportunities in logistics and international business programs. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica Del Norte, (62), 189–214.



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